Release of toyota grand new avanza veloz 2017
Release of Toyota Grand New Avanza Veloz 2017 Toyota Avanza and Avanza Veloz are the ideal family car of Indonesia, either for everyday purposes or for business purposes. Why dare I say car of family dream in Indonesia? Because the Toyota Avanza and Avanza Veloz, offer so much that a family wants from their car. Such as fuel efficient, able to load the number of passengers as much as 6 adults, has a modern design and resale value is highest compared to other cars competitors Toyota Avanza and Avanza Veloz. Release of Toyota The word Veloz comes from the word Velocity which means speed. According to Toyota Indonesia, the latest Avanza 1500 cc deserves the name Veloz, because this car has changed from the previous car is more lead to speed. Supported by aerodynamic design, which makes the Grand New Veloz car very easily controlled, although driven in high speed. The latest Toyota Veloz has been launched in conjunction with the new ...